It’s hard to believe that 2024 is more than halfway through. Lo and behold, it’s a presidential election year, too. November 5 is rapidly approaching. Whenever an election year rolls around, our trusted advisors tend to get a lot of questions from our customers about how to invest intelligently in the face of political uncertainty. …

July is officially here, which means you’re probably enjoying the nicer weather and the fact that you don’t need to worry about filing your taxes for another 9 months. However, July is actually the perfect time to assess whether you can improve your tax efficiency when you’re filing your taxes next year. You can begin …

As we head into the summer months, it’s a perfect time to remember that financial planning isn’t just about long-term savings and retirement plans. We are a family-oriented business, and we know that spending the summer months having fun with your loved ones is one of life’s greatest joys. That’s why we work with each …

There is no simple answer to the question ‘how much money do I need to retire?’ It depends on many factors, including at what age you plan to retire, your lifestyle, current and future spending habits, types of assets in your portfolio, and much more. While it is difficult to assign a dollar amount that …

After working hard and building a little wealth, it’s incumbent on you to do what’s necessary to protect that which you have accumulated. There are several ways you can protect your wealth, including making wise investments that will help your nest egg grow. As you contemplate how to grow and protect your wealth in the …

When it comes to getting ready for retirement, the focus is typically on setting aside enough money and investing wisely so you have enough to not only retire but also thrive. But what many people don’t realize is that you need more than just an impressive nest egg and a solid investment plan to thrive …
Do You Know What You Plan on Paying Yourself in Retirement? Read More »

It is one of the most common questions people ask, and their parents usually ask them. What should I do when I retire? The biggest benefit of retiring is spending time with your family, but what about the rest? It’s not just about skipping work for a day or two. The question is complicated as …
Have You Thought About These Things for Retirement? Read More »

In the United States, there are many ways to get financial aid to help pay for college. There are scholarships, grants, and even low-interest loans. However, with these options, student loan debt continues to grow. In fact, according to a recent report by the New York Federal Reserve, the average student loan balance has …

Life insurance myths are some of the most persistent misleading misinformation affecting people planning retirement. These analytics are commonly severely lacking in adequate research to back up popular perceptions. Consequentially, a few have fallen into avoidable financial traps. Insurance has the potential to be the strongest plan with the right guidance. Benefits of utilizing life …
Top 7 Life Insurance Myths Surrounding Retirement Planning Read More »